Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Age of AIDS

Here's the link to the Frontline web site. Follow to the 'watch online'...


Monday, November 24, 2008

Uniting for HIV Prevention

Please look at this page from UNAIDS.

Click on the "Intensifying HIV Prevention" document on the right side of the page. We will go over some of the key principles in class on Wednesday, Nov 26.

Uniting for HIV Prevention CLICK HERE

Here is a link to "Intensifying HIV Prevention" Intensifying HIV Prevention CLICK HERE

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Uninsured

This is a website from PBS -- The Newshour.

Here is a report you can watch online:

Newshour Report on Uninsured -- November 28, 2005

Here is a link to a website on the uninsured.

Newshour Online - The Uninsured in America -- CLICK HERE>

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our Nation's Health Centers

Here is a variety of reading which describes the federal, state, and local health center organizations.

Local: San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium

San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium CLICK HERE
Click on "partner clinics" for description of member clnics in SF.

State: California Primary Care Association
California Primary Care Association CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE to link to CPCA's blueprint for success, reports, etc. which explain the goals and challengs facing California's health centers

Federal: Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) Bureau of Primary Health Care
(HRSA) Bureau of Primary Health Care

Community Health Worker slide set

Here is the slide set we used in class.
Use powerpoint to view. Right-click to "save as" or download (control-click in Mac OS-X).

Community Health Worker slide set CLICK HERE

PLEASE NOTE: The file may download as a Word document. You must right-click (control-click in Mac) to select "open with" Microsoft PowerPoint. Let me know if you have any problems with this.