Monday, November 30, 2009

Final Paper: Community Health; Due Dec 9

Here is the outline for your final paper, due Dec 9

12 pt font
1 inch margins

This paper is the logical conclusion of the work you did on the first 2. The first paper was a LITERATURE REVIEW of your health issue topic. The second paper was a COMMUNITY DIAGNOSIS PLAN.
This paper is a REPORT BACK on the implementation of your community diagnosis plan, specifically your key informant interviews.

There are 4 Parts to this paper; points are designated below.

1. Introduction (5 pts)
State your topic
Tell me what you learned about the topic by doing this Community Health Project.
(you will elaborate more on this later, in your discussion and conclusion)

2. Findings (15 pts)
Report the key findings from the Key Informant Interview (See other blog post for guidance on summarizing interviews.
Present your findings in essay format.
Start with general impressions; reactions, etc
Continue on describing responses to questions.
DO Summarize the key ideas in responses and use quotations.
DON'T List each question and answer

3. Discussion (15 pts)
Put it all together; Refer back to your literature review (first paper)
compare your findings with the ones you described in the first paper
Use key concepts, models, and ideas from class to critique your findings
Describe what your findings mean for a potential community organizing project
Describe shortcomings or problems with your findings; how would you fix them
Write about your reaction to the process of interviewing and writing up the findings.

4. Conclusion (10 pts)
Restate your main learnings or thesis
State what would be your next steps if you were to continue a community organizing project on this issue and with these key informants and resources.

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